The only Total Commander Clone is Krusader

March 15, 2009

The best windows tool ever is Total Commander. If I see colleagues using their explorer I get crazy 😉 Total Commander is the ultimate productivity boost.

On my ubuntu I’m using gnome. Nautilus is as sick as the explorer. Next, I tried gnome-commander: nope. I wasted a couple of hours and tried mc, elmfm2, tuxcmd, .. No way to found that is good enough and integrates into gnome. Only way out: Krusader. This tool has nearly all I want. I have to accept the KDE dependencies.

sudo apt-get install krusader kompare xxdiff cfv md5deep p7zip kdebase krename

In order to let it look more like a gnome app I installed the systemsettings (former kcontrol)

sudo apt-get install systemsettings

Open it and go to General > Look&Feel > Appearence > Theme and select Human.

Finally, I started krusader and changed the default terminal and editor.
